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I can help you find a way through your pain, so you can live your life with more freedom, movement, and peace.

Chronic Pain Doesn't Have to Be a Life Sentence

Are you suffering from physical pain, stored trauma, or challenging life transitions?
Let me help you find release and get back to yourself.

I can help you find a way through the pain, so you can live your life with more freedom, movement, space, and peace.

“The bodywork he did in a 2-hour session was more effective than dozens of hours of experienced, well-trained bodywork elsewhere.” Simone A.

Have you been to massage therapists, bodyworkers, acupuncturists, chiropractors, and physical therapists? 

Maybe you’ve tried all of the above.

“Alex is an amazing, intuitive, personable massage therapist and body worker.” Michael S.

It might be time to try another layer of help.

Join me.

“One session with him was more effective at healing my shoulder injury than 3+ months of weekly physical therapy appointments…” Corey B.

I'm Alexander Rosan

I’m a bodyworker and movement coach based in Portland, Oregon. I work with my clients to help heal body, mind, and spiritual pain through dynamic somatic-assisted therapies. 

So what does all of this mean for you?
Probably not a lot.

But after more than a decade of doing this work and helping thousands of clients heal from various pain, here’s what I know for sure:

I can help you, too.

After working with me, clients have reported...

The absence of chronic neck/back pain and stiffness
Feeling lighter, happier, grounded
Enjoying the gift of deep gratitude
The release of old and new trauma
Increased energy, deeper sleep, more patience 
Finding a sense of ease in day-to-day life
Mountains Meet Lake

Here's What Others Have Said

“I'm not one for hyperbole or exaggeration, so I mean it when I say that Alex is the most gifted massage therapist I have ever encountered. One session with him was more effective at healing my shoulder injury than 3+ months of weekly physical therapy appointments."

- Corey B.


Winter Scenery


If you have more questions than what’s listed above, please don’t hesitate to call or email.

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Copyright ©2024 Alexander Rosan
1428 SE 19th Ave, Suite A, Portland, OR 97214

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